A Little Bit of Me…

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Name: Renae Williams

Age: 26

Nationality: Australian

Current Location: New York

Medium of Work:  I play with poems to create entertainment, melody, and symphony, while caricaturing societies most precious commodities and sinful attributes.

A Bit of This and That…20140926_170224~2

I spend my days strolling through New York, with an open heart, seeing eyes, inspired mind and readied notebook. My flamboyance is a way for me to pretend not to care what people think. Deep down however, opinions matter. Opinions matter, as a persons thoughts are gifts. Feedback makes me stronger, accelerates growth and uncovers the motivation to keep pushing through the ever-present glances of judgment.

Individual expression allows for a world to gain insight into your soul, without having to engage through anything more than awe or perplexity.

You may spy me skate boarding down Park Ave in an attire describable as”hippy sheik” on my good days and wandering vagrant on my bad. If found  muttering incoherently while adorning an eclectic mix of appendages, just know… I do care what you think. Your expressions, aversion of eyes and any form of communicative feedback is noted and briefly pondered. It is noted in you, then society, then humanity. Remember, a single smile can live for ever through contagion.   I relish light and darkness. We cannot grow without pain, we cannot live without light.

I am a catch and release kinda gal. Spiders are cupped then ousted, mice are boxed then booted (relocated), shitting ducks are shooed, people are understood. I want my words, images and expressions to spark reflection in others. I will be gracious if you take the time to reflect on my art. If your reflections yield a deep yearning to ask questions, alter habits or pursue dreams then it is a true honor to have touched your hearts.

My love for words be20141227_153340_resizedgins with the way they sounds. How melodies can be constructed through mere conversation.  How the most vulgar of societies injustice can be presented through a rhythmical mode to enthrall both the literary community and housewives alike.

I will give you society through the perspective of a revolutionist. One that will deconstruct our own destructions and rebuild them into  poems, passages or melodies that scream truth, bolsters passion and inspires change.

62 thoughts on “A Little Bit of Me…

    1. Hi Michelle,

      Thank you for your kind words. Please enjoy and if you find that some of the pieces resonate with you, I would greatly appreciate your support in sharing this blog. I am just starting out with blogging and would love for my words to touch the world. My dream is for individuals to progress their own mindsets and start to question the injustices faced within todays society.
      Happy reading.



      1. I would be glad to reblog your work and I agree. we have to do something to help this world better understand this issue. It has been in the dark for way too long. As I told you my daughter has mental health issues and when she was in middle school I was stunned by how many of the so called educated professionals I dealt with at the school were completely clueless and totally unsupportive of her issues, amazing!


  1. Anonymous

    You are prolific in your output Renae, and wildly profound throughout….you never lose that thread of poignancy…lot’s of ‘p’s! Keep pondering and pontificating with passionate perspective on peoples palpable plight and pain 🙂


    1. Thank you. I am so glad you stopped by to check out the blog. I hope you had fun exploring the mix of work. Your words are so so kind and you support means a great deal.



  2. dare2dream2pursuereality

    I tip my hat to you. Fantastic. A fellow lover of words with a purpose. So glad to have connected to your blog. If you’d be so kind to check mine out that’d be great. 🙂 Warmth, Daring Rachael


  3. Renae, just taken a tour around your site and like it a lot. I share your concern about domestic violence (‘Beauty and The Beast’). I’m retired now but during my long career in social housing the work I always loved best was helping the homeless, especially victims of domestic violence.

    Very best wishes from a little town on Deeside, North Wales,


    Liked by 1 person

  4. Leturos

    Glad to have found you. I thought that I’d shut that post too. Interestingly, it was the one that started a volley of privates tonight. Funny that I missed it. The rest will come back to life sooner or later. I’ll need to be looking soon. Looking soon, I’ll need to be. Glad that this I found. With a little help we can all be fiends. Mind binders. Pushers of change.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. hooklineandinkwell

    I am enjoying your blog, very much. You have a beautiful command of language and your work flows perfectly while being accompanied by stirring images. I admire your goals which are inspiring. Thank you for sharing your work!!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Thank you for your veritable “shotgun blast” of likes on my blog. I appreciate you taking the time to stop by! I look forward to taking some time to explore yours…what I’ve seen so far is great 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Hi,
    Thank you for liking my poem, “Currency.” I agree completely with your “can be presented through a rhythmical mode,” and I write metrical poetry sometimes on current events themes and other times for poetry as poetry, one as important as the other. I should say these concerns feed each other.


  8. myzania3350

    I came to this blog via Stigma Fighters, hooked in by the phrase on your bio about you being a former “Australian Paediatric OT”, which is what I’m studying to be. 🙂
    I’d also like to be an author at some point. My own blog is an experiment in writing – it frequently veers into politics, 😛

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Pingback: Liebster Award #6! | Getting Through Anxiety

  10. Khaya Ronkainen

    Hi Renae! Your blog is beautiful and engaging. Thanks to Kaylaa @http://commonsensegal.com
    for the introduction. Looking forward to reading more of your poetry.


  11. Hi Renae, I found you through OM’s blog, love what I’ve seen on your blog so far. An Australian in New York? Are you there permanently? Love your take on life and your positive tone, look forward to seeing more. Cheers from another Aussie.


      1. Hey Renae, No I’m not abroad, though many times I’d like to be! Seriously though, I’ve done my overseas trips so right now the travelling is mainly within Australia, at least while the kids are still at school. Still, love to get out whenever I can. Enjoy New York. That’s one place I haven’t been to yet.


  12. Thanks for visiting and liking 3.1416 on 3/14/16. I’ve written some current events as prose poetry and melodic way too. It is fun to experiment with how to present words. Keep having fun playing with words!


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